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FEB: a new game suggested buy oshima in which a player (the storyteller) makes u8p a story with two other players who create the still images to accumpany the teller's tale. Sometimes the pictures influence the tale too! (look for the rabbit and the faceless ghost!!)

JAN - the full set of ACRONYM;

Three recording from JULY 2023:

The first is a simple warm-up where each player iintroduces themselves as someone (or something!) at a party.

In the middle are two versions of the EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER, in which two players create a scene from a given location or activitiy (a supermarket, camping) and as they do, an obseerver gives them unrelated emotions which both players must immediately adopt and then justify (emotionally!) in the context of the scene.

Lastly, we try telling a story from sdifferent viewpoints. our first attempt (Cinderella) has interesting 'narrators' but no sense of structure. We then reflect on this as a group 9a great example of plot luck learning together) before another 4 players try LION & THE MOUSE (from the 12.15 mark) with splendidly comical results - Nancy as Lion, Debjani as the Mouse's front teeth (!!) Kiran as the tree 9beside which lion sleeps and te net is hung) and pretigaya as the net.

Welcome to Plot Luck - a play on the phrase 'pot-luck'; which is a western meal where everyone attending it brings a dish (a 'pot') of their own choosing, sdo you never know exactly what you're going to get. Which seems a pretty apt analogy for the story improv, where everyone is welcome to contribute and you have no idea what the end result will be!

It's a mix of games and side-coaching, in which players receive guidance and suggestions as they play, to help them make more effective choices when interacting spontaneously with other players. The Gift Game (see video below) is a simple warm -up activity involving giving a gift (a hand-shape) to a partner; it demonstrates the fun and supportive environment in which plot Luck plays.


  • Plot Luck is only open to members of FEAST - though non-members can win a pass to visit a session as a taster for free during one of our bi-monthly Game Nights!
  • Plot Luck meets every alternate month (in odd months starting from March) for between 75- 90 minutes per session. Additional ad hoc sessions ('rehearsals') may be arranged to prepare for a performance.
  • Members of FEAST are welcome to attend a one-off session to see if it suits them.
  • However, as a Special Interest Group, if you are keen to attend regularly, you should sign up and become a member of the SIG. This is so that we can develop a core group of improv players, comfortable with our terminology and each others' strengths, so that we can work towards hosting a performance (or performances!) SIG members would commit to attending at least 5 sessions (out of 6) in a year. In the event of a performance, those who opt in should commit to whatever rehearsal are mutually agreed & scheduled. As a member of the SIG, you will be able to view the recordings of sessions, as well as any resource documents uploaded to our Plot Luck folder in the Document Library.
  • A one-time $5 for the year per year for SIG membership will be charged from January through December.


  • Improv is all about listening;
  • it's a team sport/activity that depends on collaboration . It's perfect for those tellers keen for a change from the solitary professional and social life of the solo performer;
  • It will heighten your sense of spontaneity and playfulness, which can benefit your interactions with audiences;
  • it's all about YES AND - acceptance and making offers to develop the scene. Your contribution is important - there's no place for passengers in an improv. This is a useful life skill (eg how do you contribute to FEAST or other communities to which you belong?!);
  • it's fun, and may draw on aspects of your personality you don't get to exercise regularly!
  • it will strengthen your awareness of narrative structure, and what makes for strong choices in developing stories;
  • it will encourage to think not only about verbal offers (as tellers we're all great at talking) but also visual ones (how can actions/gesture/facial expression animate your work?)

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