Three recording from JULY 2023:
The first is a simple warm-up where each player iintroduces themselves as someone (or something!) at a party.
In the middle are two versions of the EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER, in which two players create a scene from a given location or activitiy (a supermarket, camping) and as they do, an obseerver gives them unrelated emotions which both players must immediately adopt and then justify (emotionally!) in the context of the scene.
Lastly, we try telling a story from sdifferent viewpoints. our first attempt (Cinderella) has interesting 'narrators' but no sense of structure. We then reflect on this as a group 9a great example of plot luck learning together) before another 4 players try LION & THE MOUSE (from the 12.15 mark) with splendidly comical results - Nancy as Lion, Debjani as the Mouse's front teeth (!!) Kiran as the tree 9beside which lion sleeps and te net is hung) and pretigaya as the net.